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- 茶器・茶道具 , 木製漆器
- 山中塗 KARMI Tea Canisters 俵 Sumi
山中塗 KARMI Tea Canisters 俵 Sumi
俳人松尾芭蕉の俳諧理念の一つ「軽み」から引用。知識や技巧に凝らず、日常生活の中で感じ取った淡白な心境を表現。内面から滲み出るような美しいデザインの理念にも共通しています。。KARMI is quoted from one of Haikai poetry’s concepts, karumi. Literally meaning “lightness,” it is an ideal for the style of Haikai founded by Basho Matsuo (a Japanese Haiku poet, who lived in the 17th century). We applied his Haikai concept of karumi to the product line of KARMI and hoped to express minimalism in daily life without relying on knowledge and technical skills too much. We think both haiku and design have common concepts in terms of the beauty produced from depth.
- 素材
- 天然木
- カラー
- Black
- サイズ
- 径7.8cm×11.0cm
- 塗装
- ウレタン塗装
- 箱仕様
- 化粧箱
- 取り扱い方法
- 食器洗浄機・電子レンジ使用不可
- 発送予定日